DXBomns, in essence, is just a massivly improved, fully-featured Win32/DirectX Bomns game.
It probably took me about two or three years to make this game (pathetic, right?). I kept starting the project, getting distracted, forgetting what I was doing, disliking the existing code structure, and scrapping it. Once I actually got serious about it, though, I ended up programming the whole thing in about three weeks (maybe a couple hours each day on average). And I haven't really touched it since I released the source.
No longer being actively developed. This means, if I find bugs I will fix them, but for now I'm done with it. Sometime in the future I may pick it back up, though.
DXBomns in action | level editor | options editor |
Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, even though it may not seem like it from the source. I guess you're actually free to use either the license I give you in the distribution, or the GPL. Whatevs.
There are some other Bomns games: http://bomns.sourceforge.net/.
Copyright © 2012 Charles Lindsay.