
  1. About DXBomns
  2. Features
  3. Development Status
  4. Download
  5. Screen Shots
  6. License
  7. Other Bomns Games

About DXBomns

DXBomns, in essence, is just a massivly improved, fully-featured Win32/DirectX Bomns game.

It probably took me about two or three years to make this game (pathetic, right?). I kept starting the project, getting distracted, forgetting what I was doing, disliking the existing code structure, and scrapping it. Once I actually got serious about it, though, I ended up programming the whole thing in about three weeks (maybe a couple hours each day on average). And I haven't really touched it since I released the source.


Development Status

No longer being actively developed. This means, if I find bugs I will fix them, but for now I'm done with it. Sometime in the future I may pick it back up, though.


Latest Version: v1.1.8.0 (2002 Mar. 29)

Older Versions

Screen Shots

DXBomns screen shot 01 DXBomns screen shot 02 DXBomns screen shot 03
DXBomns in action level editor options editor


Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, even though it may not seem like it from the source. I guess you're actually free to use either the license I give you in the distribution, or the GPL. Whatevs.

Other Bomns Games

There are some other Bomns games: http://bomns.sourceforge.net/.

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